
Georges Mimassi
Security Council

One of the earliest memories I have as a young kid in Brazil is of observing the unfortunate social inequality that pervaded my city, São Paulo. I would often ponder to myself, "How is this possible? How can this be?" I remember vividly the inner thoughts that would keep me awake at night, struggling to comprehend how politicians, elected by the people, could be so corrupt and selfish, neglecting their duty to support their citizens. From that day forward, I knew that it would be my responsibility as an engaged citizen to make a change for my community, my country, and hopefully, the entire world. Upon joining Model United Nations (MUN), I began to understand the true power behind knowledge and education, bringing my dream of effecting change closer to reality. My first MUN conference was held online during the COVID-19 pandemic, and despite my nerves, I managed to win an award as a first-time delegate. Over the next two years, I garnered multiple awards and gained recognition as a renowned debater in my school. It was then that I realized it was time to fulfill a lifelong dream: to make a tangible difference. Together with my brother, I decided to establish our NGO, "Nothing is Impossible." It was a pivotal moment, marking the beginning of our journey to turn our dreams into actions and contribute to positive change in our society.

Pedro Mimassi
Historical Security Council/ History 

It all began during dinner with my dad and brother. As we delved into discussions about politics and complex topics, my dad mentioned how fortunate we were to engage in such intellectual conversations at home from a young age. This sparked a conversation about the traits that successful people have in common. Despite the abundance of academically successful students, many lack essential soft skills. While excelling academically, they often fall short in crucial social competencies—the other side of the coin in personal development. These skills, vital in life, aren’t typically taught in schools. Inspired by this conversation, we conceived an idea: creating an NGO dedicated to teaching in a gamified way these invaluable life skills that formal education often overlooks.


Ana Luísa Mourão

I have been a passionate and avid member of many different types of debate since middle school, and am really excited at the opportunity to be able to pass on this knowledge. Debate is a critical tool not only academically, but to advocate for your ideas.

Isabel Heckmann

Have you ever found yourself hesitant to step out of your comfort zone? Well, that’s exactly how I felt when I first joined Model United Nations. Picture me, Isabel, a 10th grader at Avenues São Paulo, grappling with my shyness as I entered the MUN scene. Despite my initial reluctance, I chose to embrace the challenge of MUN, recognizing its potential for personal growth. This journey not only expanded my knowledge but also provided me with a new way to perceive the world, while simultaneously improving my public speaking skills in the process. This is why I eagerly embraced the opportunity to contribute to Nada é Impossível, an NGO that aligns with my passion for helping others and belief in the transformative power of education. I firmly believe that every individual deserves the opportunity to overcome obstacles and achieve their full potential, and lending a helping hand through this organization allows me to actively contribute to that vision.

Stella Heckmann
Human Rights 

Hi! I’m Stella, a 13 year-old 8th grader at Avenues São Paulo. As soon as I stepped into the middle grades, I heard about this enrichment called Model United Nations, which sparked curiosity in me. I decided to join and see what would become of it… Almost two years have passed, and I can proudly say that in that little classroom, a passion ignited in me. A spark for public speaking, and a passion for debate was ignited since then. What came as a result is a fascination for world affairs and a great love for MUN. The more conferences I participated in, the more I realized that this was something I cherished. As my experience grew, as a fellow delegate, I began to help some of my classmates and that’s when it hit me… helping others is also something that I love and it fulfills me in a way I cannot express.

Combining these two passions was my biggest challenge. But the universe works in mysterious ways. That was when I found myself contributing to the NGO Nada é Impossível. To me, becoming part of Nada é Impossível was not only the perfect opportunity that arose to combine my biggest passions, but a great honor.

Maria Heckmann
Science and Environment/ECOSOC 

One belief we need to take with us throughout our lives is if we have the knowledge it is better shared than kept. The world currently lacks the urge and hunger for knowledge, which is a passion very evident in my heart. What I have found in this group, Nada é Impossível, is that people have the passion, and urge to learn and expand out of their comfort zone. Which has not only been a learning experience for me but for the students. If you don't know, my name is Maria, and currently, I am seventeen years old. My mission with this group is not only to aid students with their English expertise, and, improvement, but understand what happens beyond the streets of São Paulo, eventually leading to proficient MUN debates. As I am an older student with an acquired level of experience I can be a helping hand to those who are in the classrooms every Saturday.

If you do not know, I am the eldest sister of four! Which can be overwhelming at times, but I cherish my siblings for the world. I own two rabbits, two cats, and four dogs! At the moment I am also a competitive swimmer! I know, a lot! These are just some fun facts about me I would like to share!

Arthur Piatetzky
Historical Security Council/ History 

“Part of diplomacy is to open different definitions of self-interest.” -Hillary Clinton It is the very essence of MUN and the art of diplomacy to mold your interests into the conundrum which is the varying interests of others, others which might strive for the opposite of what you want, but might end up on the same side. The mission of MUN and the participation in it is to learn to negotiate, to make a case for yourself: to speak. To navigate situations when you are in a maze of different resolutions with opposite paths is the most valuable skill one can have. To learn how to MUN, is to learn how to navigate life and the dilemmas that come with it. But, for now, the dilemmas from the world rest on the hands of young delegates at a conference, where, it is the small steps of leadership, that will make you a great leader; remember, you are “never too young to lead” - Kofi Annan

Cynthia Hindy

Proficiency in the English language is not merely a skill—it is a gateway to opportunity.

As a product designer, I helped with creating the brand identity and the website.
Collaborating with Pedro & George, I found myself immersed in a dynamic exchange of ideas, their commitment to students empowerment was inspirational and motivational, I was reminded of the potential that lies within each of us.

"Knowledge is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world."

I wholeheartedly believe that knowledge determines the opportunities you will achieve in your life, and the more knowledge you gain, the more doors will open for you. My name is Manu, and I am currently an 8th-grade student at Graded School São Paulo. Throughout my life, one of my biggest privileges has been my education, and another has been my ability to speak English. I also understand how important it is not only to accomplish gains for yourself but also to share and encourage others to succeed. This is why I believe and understand the significance of enhancing education and feel privileged to have the opportunity to contribute myself to the NGO Nada é Impossível.

Manuela Moza
Human Rights

Valentina Peres
Social Media Admin

Greetings, my name is Fares Samia. I am a student at Lycée Pasteur in Sao Paulo, currently in the 10th grade. I would like to share my journey of developing confidence in debating and public speaking.

During my earlier years, I wasn't particularly shy, but I faced challenges in expressing myself confidently . Recognizing this, my parents encouraged my involvement in Model United Nations (MUN) to address and overcome this difficulty. Following my first MUN conference, a transformative shift occurred in my communication skills. I found myself articulating thoughts with confidence and ease. Furthermore, the experience afforded me the opportunity to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds globally, enhancing my socialization skills.

Presently, I have garnered multiple awards in MUN and I am engaged in volunteering to support children enrolled in "Nada é Impossível," aiding them in achieving similar milestones to mine.

Fares Samia